Thai massage today.

Today was a chill chill day. Fai and I took her mom to work in the morning then we went and had an American style breakfast. Yes, surprise, they have that here. We had scrambled eggs, toast with orange jelly and butter. Yummy. The bread here is really good. It’s been real fresh, white bread. So far I’ve been able to eat just about everything. The tricky thing is I have to avoid the ice cubes and water. Not too hard to do. Most restaurants sell stuff from the can or bottle.

After breakfast we stopped home to do laundry, but Fais dad already did it for us.

So far the highlight today is what we did next. Fai and I went and got a 2 hr Thai massage. Things here are cheap. The massage only cost $20. You can’t beat that price.

The place was really fancy too. First they wash our feet in warm lemon water. Smells really fresh. U should try it. Then we go upstairs and in a wood floored room are 2 small beds each with a pillow. We change into our Thai massage garments they provide and lay down. The massage lady comes in and does the massage. It’s pretty extensive. They spend 15-20 on each part of the legs and arms and end with a face massage.

We are planning to go there a few more times before our trip ends.

Then we went and bought some Thai books for Fai and picked her mom up from work.

We have a special treat for tonight…stay tuned…

posted from HTC thunderbolt

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