Another amazing day in beautiful Thailand

Today Fai and I went and dropped our wedding photos off to the kodak place and got some photos printed.  We had an album made for Fai’s mom and dad to keep. Now they have all of the photos from our wedding.

We went and grabbed some food and then did some more shopping. Mom wanted to come with us so we went and picked her up and also the musician guy and his wife and cutie pie baby.  We drove a pretty good distance, about an 1.5 hrs and they showed some amazing sites here.

One thing we saw is a mushroom shaped, completely naturally occuring rock formation. It’s pretty amazing to see how the rock has changed shape over the 180 million years, i think thats what the plaque said and the formation it created resembles a patch of mushrooms. Also, as people have visited, they have picked up the smaller rocks and set them up in stacks to make nice little formations on this giant rock.  It was wicked beautiful.

Then we hopped in the car again and drove to Thailand National Park. This area has one amazing view. We standing high on a mountain looking down over lush green fields.  We were really high up, so high it made me feel a little dizzy at first looking down.  Pretty amazing.

Also in this area is a cave that has hieroglyphics on the cave wall. Fai has been down there before and its about a mile walk on some treachorous rocks, so we opted not to do that.  Its pretty hot out here so an hour in the sun is pretty tough.

Our last spot we visited was an area where all of the Kings friends that come to visit would stay in this very wealthy area of thailand.  The houses were pretty big and everything was decorated really nice. Bushes were carved out to make them look elephants, lots of flowers, and an area that had some elephant statues setup. pretty neat stuff.

pics to follow later…we’re tired from all of todays activities!

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