Ubon ratchitani temple

Fai, mom, and me went to the local temple and she bought us some thing to hang in our cars. It’s a similar thing like the charm I have around my neck. They believe that if you wear it around your neck or keep it near that it will protect you.

We will hang it in our cars from the rear view mirror. Fai and I each got one.

We were by a large gold statue and we lit some candles and burned some incense. It was pretty cool doing the local traditions here.

We did another thing where they have a bunch of sticks about the size of a pencil. Each stick has a number on it. What you do is you hold the container and shake it and u try to make one of the sticks fall out. You look at the number and you a piece of paper from the a bookcase. The paper has like a fortune written on it.  Fais mom said that my fortune was really and that I will get everything my heart desires.

I have Fai, I already have everything I need.

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the temple for foreigners

We made it to the temple and we were able to speak to a woman who is from Germany. She spoke really good English so I had a short conversation with her.  She told us that in the morning, bright and early they have 2 morning talks, one in Thai and one in English in different parts of the grounds.

She explained to us that the monks would be able to speak with us only early in the morning.we have some photos of the temple, ill post when we get home.

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I fed an elephant

Yesterday morning we were driving to a temple that has a lot of foreigners that have come to Thailand to become a monk.

On the way we are driving down the street and as we came around the corner we finally saw an elephant! We bought some food from the guy and I fed the elephant. I took the food, kind of like a hard vegetable, I don’t remember what it was. I put one piece in my hand and the elephant would grab it out of my hand with its trunk.  The trainer showed me a better way to feed the elephant, holding the stick at the top so it hangs down then the elephant can grab it real easy out of hand easily.

So that was pretty cool to feed an elephant. Fai took video of me doing that!

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After dinner visit with our aunt

After dinner Fai and I went to the shopping center to get some books for Fai. She got a couple books and I got some blank dvds. Hello kitty blank dvds. You got to take what you can get sometimes.

Then we headed over to Fais aunts house and Fais aunt gave me a charm for my necklace and a stack of bahts too. This is no ordinary charm either inside the charm is a figure and he is a protecter. Fai has one similar to this hanging in her car and you keep near you to protect you. The charm is also gold. It’s beautiful and I love it.

Thank you again to my aunt in law for the wonderful gift.

Fai says that all of these gifts are symbols that the family has accepted me into the family.

I’m happy and proud to be a part of this group.

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Dinner with Fai’s family and a surprise

After all of the running around and site seeing today we had dinner Fais mom, dad, brother, brothers wife, and one of Fais cousin.

At dinner Fais mom, grandmother, and Fai surprised me with a gold necklace.  It’s thick and beautiful. I never have to take it off. It is both an honor and a privilege to be accepted into such a wonderful and generous family. I love you all, my Thai family. You have made my trip here to Thailand one that I will never forget. Fai and I will miss all of you and we will try to come back next year.

Thank you all again for such warm hospitality.

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Another amazing day in beautiful Thailand

Today Fai and I went and dropped our wedding photos off to the kodak place and got some photos printed.  We had an album made for Fai’s mom and dad to keep. Now they have all of the photos from our wedding.

We went and grabbed some food and then did some more shopping. Mom wanted to come with us so we went and picked her up and also the musician guy and his wife and cutie pie baby.  We drove a pretty good distance, about an 1.5 hrs and they showed some amazing sites here.

One thing we saw is a mushroom shaped, completely naturally occuring rock formation. It’s pretty amazing to see how the rock has changed shape over the 180 million years, i think thats what the plaque said and the formation it created resembles a patch of mushrooms. Also, as people have visited, they have picked up the smaller rocks and set them up in stacks to make nice little formations on this giant rock.  It was wicked beautiful.

Then we hopped in the car again and drove to Thailand National Park. This area has one amazing view. We standing high on a mountain looking down over lush green fields.  We were really high up, so high it made me feel a little dizzy at first looking down.  Pretty amazing.

Also in this area is a cave that has hieroglyphics on the cave wall. Fai has been down there before and its about a mile walk on some treachorous rocks, so we opted not to do that.  Its pretty hot out here so an hour in the sun is pretty tough.

Our last spot we visited was an area where all of the Kings friends that come to visit would stay in this very wealthy area of thailand.  The houses were pretty big and everything was decorated really nice. Bushes were carved out to make them look elephants, lots of flowers, and an area that had some elephant statues setup. pretty neat stuff.

pics to follow later…we’re tired from all of todays activities!

First Thailand, now Laos.


We took another day trip today that involved going to a bordering country called Lao, rhymes with “vow”.

We had to go through immigration and I have a visa into Lao now. My passport is decorated with a lot of stamps now.

This road trips purpose was to go see a waterfall, but really it was a lot more then that.  We saw not 1, not 2 but 3 different waterfalls. Each were pretty impressive. We got a ton of great photos today.

Along the way we met some local people. The women in this hut had extra large pierced ears, like the size of a cork. We took photos with them and just like everyone here, they are extremely friendly.

Got a busy day, we are back in Thailand since last night.

We got tons of photos from today, here is just one. Lol…

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*** Updated *** Lots of wow moments today!


we saw that the ravens lost today. boooo! Whats up with the ravens beating all of the good teams and losing to all of the bad teams?!

This morning Fai and I started our one year wedding anniversary together by spending some time with Fai’s aunt and then we went to the mall and did some shopping and had some breakfast.

Then we went on a tour of Thailand and i have some amazing photos from today to share, but i don’t have time to post them right now so stay tuned.

I will tell you this. We went to a real UFC, MMA training facility. We saw the fighters training. I think Davey would get a kick out of that.

we went all around today to different temples, a dragon shaped boat, another house that looks like a boat that is on the river — it was beautiful.

we went to a temple and saw a gold buddha statue, but this one is of buddha laying down. I also got alot of photos of all this for everyone to see.

we fed fish on the house on the river that shaped like a boat and Fai took some video of that.

Right now we are going to dinner and having fun at a karaoke bar!

UPDATED: i posted some photos! This is some pretty incredible stuff.  The whole time i was here today i could not believe that I am actually here doing this right now.  I have alot more stuff from today that i can’t wait to organize and put up here on the website, but tomorrow we are going on another road trip so i have to be up at 5 AM.  We are going to Lauw tomorrow. Its a city that is on the border of Thailand and another country. I’m not sure where it is but we are going there to see some sights!  Today was fascinating enough. I think tomorrow I’m going to get to see a Thai waterfall.

Also since we’ve been here i have not seen any elephants. The reason is that they recently passed a law prohibiting the elephants in the cities. I think it was just too dangerous and maybe not healthy to have the elephants in the city. They love and respect elephants here.

I have seen some chameleons, some big bugs, and lots of dogs. Dogs live outside of the houses. They don’t allow dogs in the house, but really here its so warm everyday and cooler at night, but some night have been warm too, like tonight. I think today it was 90 degrees and tonight it was 80. And this is there winter time! I cant imagine how hot it is here in there summer time.

off to get some rest, to prepare for tomorrows adventure.


Road trip!










Right after the wedding reception we drove home, got in our jammies and hopped in the car. Mom, dad, brother, brothers wife, Fai, and me drove drove to an area called chonnabot, we are not sure of the English spelling but that’s how you say it.

Fai drove. I’m impressed to see Fai driving here because its like new York, but with added randomness because of all of the bikes.  Fai is clearly a much better driver then I had ever imagined.

So we went to this area to meet Fais grandmother from her dads side. Very pretty home and really nice people. This area is more country.

I was talking to mom on the phone and as we were driving by we passed a giant gold Buddha statue. It was dark out so taking pictures was not possible.

We went to bed after driving for 4 hours.

Woke up in the morning and met my other grandmother and then we went and met the neighbor who was a 93 yrs old. A very sweet woman.

She used to make satin that could then be used by someone to make clothes. I think my red shirt is made from satin.

After a little while we went into the city. We dropped sister in law and mom at some bridal place to get a picture framed. We drove around and got some snacks like fried bananas in some kind of sauce. I think it was sweet condensed milk and some other flavors.

Then we went to central plaza mall and ate at mk.

We saw some kids wearing anime costumes parading around the mall. Too cool.

We saw a couple of models talking about some clothes on a stage.

We also also another stage with dancers and a show hosted by a guy and a girl for some spa.

See the pics!

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