Wedding morning part 2






Weddings here are split into 2 sections. First the ceremony, which we have already had. The photos I posted earlier were from that.

We got up at 5 am this morning got dressed and then made our way down to Fais aunts house. It’s right across the street.

I watched them yesterday setup those tents and tables. They hired a company to come set it up. 3 big tents to keep all of the visitors cool because its hot here. Right now its 90 degrees. Tonight it will be cool.

So around 6 am we head down there, we ate some fried dough w/ sweet condensed milk. U should try it. It’s really good. That was like a little snack for everybody.

All the girls here are all dressed up and looking good, but this part of the event is semi casual. In there culture its ok for me to wear jeans and a nice shirt to the ceremony.

I been helping out as much as I can understand what it is I need to do. Sometimes that’s hard.

I carried the monks dish not sure what it was, but we set them inside of the room where the ceremony was held.

So down the street and around the corner we carried all of the fruit to that house. That is where the groom starts his day. They make like a parade with a Thai style band. The procession is led by the groom and then behind him is like a few hundred people, his side of the family.

So they walk from that house to the aunts house and there are several people that are blocking his way. We are all holding a chain of some kind to prevent him from getting through. They each get to ask him some questions and if he answers correctly they will let him pass. Fai and I are positioned at the end of the line. The family wanted me to ask him some questions in English and the trick is that he has to answer in English. Fai and I were the last stage of the test.  So when he finally made his way through the other stages Fai was holding the Mic, she said something and giggled and then gave me the Mic. I bet it was something like surprise you have to answer questions in English. Haha.

I asked him 3 questions.what r u doing here? Who do you want to see? And do you have something for me that might pursuade us to let you go by?

His answers were cool. He was like ‘I am here to get me a pretty girl.’, ‘I want to see the pretty girl.’ And then he gave us some envelopes that have some money in them. And with that we let him go through. Mission accomplished.

Good job guy!

I have tons of photos but some are on the camera and not on the phone so when we get back we will posting some more stuff overtime.

Photos are the groom, the bride, Fais brother bandid’s wife with Fais cousin, and this is a group shot of Fais family (mom, sister in law, brother, ..)

Tonight is the reception at the hall and then after the party we are going to drive to another area to meet Fais other grandmother, her dads mom. It’s 4 hours away!

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New friends


Last night we went to the ubar. New friends here in Thailand. We listened to live music and watched a lot of pretty girls dancing. Everyone here is extremely friendly. During the show the guitar player asked over the Mic if I was having a good time. We had a great time.

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Chillin with the family at breakfast






I just ate 2 eggs, and some pork ribs. Im watching these guys build a thing we can sit under to stay out of the sun.

There is a ceremony tonight like a wedding rehearsal dinner. Wedding prep is in full blast now.

And here is a cute pic of Fai on one of the scooters the family owns. I think they have 5 or 6. Scooters are common here. Everyone drives one.

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Last night we went to a Thai festival

I have videos and photos on our ipod touch, ill post them later.

The internet at Fais house was down last night so right now we are outside eating breakfast with the family. Fai is teaching them some origomy for the wedding. They are folding money in heart shapes. Cute. Fai gave me one when we first started dating.

Last night we went to the Thai festival at the college by the river. It was gorgeous. We lit candles and made a wish and set them in the river. It was a little windy so most of the candles got extinguished. They were also making balloons and lighting a candle and setting them free and they fly like a hot air balloon way up high in the looked amazing at night.

I have photos on the ipod but I write you from my cel phone.

Ilk try to post those soon if I can…

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Thai massage today.

Today was a chill chill day. Fai and I took her mom to work in the morning then we went and had an American style breakfast. Yes, surprise, they have that here. We had scrambled eggs, toast with orange jelly and butter. Yummy. The bread here is really good. It’s been real fresh, white bread. So far I’ve been able to eat just about everything. The tricky thing is I have to avoid the ice cubes and water. Not too hard to do. Most restaurants sell stuff from the can or bottle.

After breakfast we stopped home to do laundry, but Fais dad already did it for us.

So far the highlight today is what we did next. Fai and I went and got a 2 hr Thai massage. Things here are cheap. The massage only cost $20. You can’t beat that price.

The place was really fancy too. First they wash our feet in warm lemon water. Smells really fresh. U should try it. Then we go upstairs and in a wood floored room are 2 small beds each with a pillow. We change into our Thai massage garments they provide and lay down. The massage lady comes in and does the massage. It’s pretty extensive. They spend 15-20 on each part of the legs and arms and end with a face massage.

We are planning to go there a few more times before our trip ends.

Then we went and bought some Thai books for Fai and picked her mom up from work.

We have a special treat for tonight…stay tuned…

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