Family Day!

Today a lot of people came over our house this morning for some breakfast.  Fai’s mom and dad, brother, sister in law, aunt, cousins, the little kids, everyone came over to hang out with us.  Bandid, my brother in law, has made me a delicious breakfast every morning.  This morning I had 2 eggs with beef and sweet sausage with black pepper.  I also had 2 pieces of toast.  This was my kind of breakfast.  Its interesting how they prepare this stuff too.  Firstly, the kitchen is outside. This way the house never smells of food.  Secondly, Bandid uses a metal pan and he puts that on the oven and he cooks everything together in the pan until its all cooked.  The eggs here are brown too, but they taste the same as our white eggs at home.

After breakfast the whole gang went to a farm where we went fishing!  I think the farm is owned by Fai’s aunt.  They had several areas where there were large bodies of water.  We  went to a particular one and we started off by throwing fish food into the water.  The fish all came up to the top of the water and you could see there were thousands of fish in the pond.  Videos to follow later.

Then they brought out the fishing rods and Fai and I took turns throwing the line into the water not able to catch anything really. haha.  So my luck in catching fish in Thailand is the same as in the USA.  They tell me the fish in the water were catfish.  After some fishing fun we sat in the shade to try to escape the heat.  Not possible here to do that…It’s hot no matter where you sit.  You can break a sweat just by sitting down under a tree.  We didn’t last long in the heat.  I think they showed mercy on me because we all left the fish garden and guess where we went?  We went to Central Plaza mall for some lunch.  Today we went to MK Kitchen.  We had gone to this place in 2011 on our last trip, but at the other mall.  This time we went to MK at the new mall since its closer and newer.  At this place, you boil everything you eat.  They set up a pot of boiling water in the center of the table and then bring out whatever items you want to eat.  The selection ranges from vegetables to meat to sausages to spring rolls to tofu.  This is definitely an interesting way to eat different meats because the meats don’t dry out and you can’t burn anything.  You should try it. Boil some water, drop some stuff in the boiling water and then cover it and let it cook for about 10 minutes.  Done!

Another interesting thing here that they have is they put lemon juice in a salt shaker for easy sprinkling onto your food.  It works great.

Naturally for my drink I had a ordered a sweet lemon iced tea, but I also got to try a Watermelon Smoothie.  This was very good too.  It was cool and sweet and tasted like sweet watermelon.  If you’ve had the watermelon juice from Arizona Iced Tea maker then you’ll know that watermelon juice isn’t always that great.  Fai had a kiwi smoothie which also very good.

Tomorrow the Thai New Year begins and lasts all weekend.  This should make for a very exciting next couple of days.

Right now we are sitting in the living room with Bandid, Bandid’s wife, Mom, Fai and me watching TV.  We cranked on the AC to cool down and relax for a minute.


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