april 16 – Thailand is peaceful and calm again

Early in the morning Fai and i went hunting for a place to get her hair washed.  I guess too much fun in the water really made her want to get her hair cleaned.  I also had my hair washed too. Its actually quite a nice thing here.  They don’t just wash your hair and that’s it, they massage your scalp and they wash your hair like 3 times and then apply conditioner.  So, that’s how we started off the morning.  The mission was simple, but being the day after the festival not alot of businesses were open early in the morning.  These people work hard here, but they kind of do it on there own schedule.  I think it was like 10 am and we couldnt find a place that was open.  Finally, we drove into the city and went to a place in this little shopping center.  We were under the gun to get to the airport because a few of our relatives and friends were flying back to Singapore and Bangkok.  We wanted to be there to say our farewells.

So we made it to the airport on time and we saw our friends and family and wished them a happy flight.  I hope they had a wonderful flight.

Then, we attempted to go to the new mall. It’s Tuesday and you would think things would have calmed down at the new mall.  No such luck, the place was utter madness.  We couldnt find a place to park so we ended just picking up the musician guy, mom, and the litte boy.  We did something fantastic.  We went to a zoo.

Its a long drive to get to the zoo, about 2 hours.  We drove and drove and finally arrived at a place that Fai described as the “monkey” zone.  Sure enough there were hundreds of monkeys just running around. free. No cages.  The amazing part is you can stop at this one area and you can get out of your car and feed the monkeys.  The monkeys are a little crazy so i didnt feed them, they can get excited when they see food so i didnt want to actually mess with me.  I just took alot of photos and some video.  It was pretty cool being surrounded by wild monkeys and also a little uncomfortable at the same time.  We were feeding them mini-bananas.  Too many monkeys arrived so we hopped in the car.

And we left and headed to the zoo.  The zoo was about 20-30 minutes away from the monkey zone.  The zoo featured some amazing animals.  Its a small zoo with some exotic birds, but the main feature attraction here are the Tigers.  The first couple we saw were good size, the next few were giant tigers.  Freakin impressive.  They had the tigers in fences.  Also made you kind of wonder how safe are we right now?  Those tigers are pretty bad ass.

They also a leopard, a bear, and some fish.  Clearly the tigers are the main act.

We had some ice cream and then headed on home.

They asked me what i wanted to eat and i said steak.  So we spent a while trying to find a steak house.  Finally, after maybe 30 mins, we found a steak house.  This steak was delicious!  Juicey and covered with a dark gravey.  Nice job guys making my dinner for me.  I also had a drink called the Midnight Blue.  Its a blue soda, though it wasnt carbonated at all.

We came home, took a little nap, and then Fai and i went to U-Bar to hear a live band.  By this time, we were pretty tired out.  We’ve been getting up at 7 AM pretty much every day.

They are early risers here.

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