Day 3 – Songkran Festival

This morning we Facetime’d with my mom and she got to say Hi to Fai’s mom.  I gave her a tour of our house and showed her my breakfast.  Since Bandid isn’t here Fai’s mom made me eggs, sausage, and bacon.  Very good!

Today was the final day of Songkran Festival and boy was it wild.  We spent the early part of the day at the mall.  I went into a number of tech stores.  In fact they have one whole half of the mall dedicated to electronics.  They have a Sony store, a Samsung store, and then a bunch of “generic” electronic retailers.  They are all set up one right next to each other. Nokia had a small dedicated booth in the middle of the mall next to a Samsung booth.  Samsung had both a booth and store.   When I would leave one, I would feel like I was done, but each store had something interesting in it to see.  I was mainly looking at cel phones and camera lenses for my camera.  Aside from the Sony store, most of the other stores didn’t carry Sony lenses.  They mainly carried Nikon and others.

After the mall we chilled out in the AC at home.  I was pretty wiped out still from yesterday.

I’m actually pretty exhausted now, but just know we have a lot of pictures and videos to share of the Songkran Festival.  Today we played in the water with Fai’s friends at the Proud Coffee Shop.  This guy has a great location because on the street where his coffee shop is located they had a band playing across the street and the coffee shop had there own booming sound system rocking.  Pretty crazy because the music from the band was loud and then we had our music playing so loud that we couldn’t even hear the band playing.  There were thousands of people that came through the street.  It was pretty chaotic.  Fai’s friends are all great. All of them super friendly and they do know how to party.

I have to get some rest, I’ll try to post some of the videos to my youtube channel. My channel is Robbiegod1.  I got a couple videos from this trip up there already. Take a look!

Good night!

April 15, 2013 11:45 pm.

Day 2 – Songkran Festival – wow!

Its the second day of Songkran Festival which ends tomorrow.  This post is going to be short because we are exhausted.  Too much Songkran.

Basically what we did is we rode in the back of the truck and threw water at other people on the street, in other trucks, those that were riding on motor scooters too.  This was complete madness, but so much fun!  We went to some of the more congested areas where its car to car, fender to fender and then we walked through the streets putting baby powder on the pretty girls faces.  Just part of there custom.  It was a crazy night.  We took video by putting my cel phone in a water protective bag. I’ll to post some of the videos soon.  I can say there is no way that they would ever let us do this type of thing in Maryland.

We went straight from playing in the water to a really nice karaoke party.  Lots of food, lots of songs, surrounded by family.

Just so you know we were escorted by 2 soldiers and a police officer through the Songkran Festival so we were in good hands.  They kept an eye on me to make sure nothing happened and showed me the ropes.  Thank you for that, I will remember this night forever.

its 11:45 PM on Sunday. Time for bed.

[updated] Day 1 – Its Thai new year right now

The day went like this. We woke up at 5 am  and made it downstairs for a quick snack around 6:30am.  We went to the Temple to offer some food to the monks.  It was amazing.  There were probably a hundred monks and locals from Ubon Ratchitani gathering to offer food to the monks.  Monks don’t have money so they are supported by the people.  Its the way of the monk.

This event was held outside of the temple in a big grassy field.  They had some booths setup where some people were talking on a mic.  When we got there two women were chattering on the mic.  I was taking a walk around the entire grounds and I stopped to snap a photo and they started talking to me.  I smiled back and they were like “Americano is all smiles!”  That was pretty funny.

After I did a full loop around the grounds I met with fai and her aunt.  We had a nice big bowl full of noodles and some other stuff.  We organized ourselves in a two lines creating a row for the monks to walk through. As they walked through we dropped some food into the baskets they were holding.  Some of the monks had smaller baskets so they also had a helper accompanying them that had a bigger bag so they could empty the basket to get more good stuff.  It looked like they were well taken care of.

The next thing we did was we went down to contraption where were filled our bowl up with water and then we poured the water down a funnel that drenched the Buddha with water.  For the Songkran festival the theme is all about water.

We went back to the house for some breakfast that Bandid had made for us, which was very good. We posted some photos of breakfast on Facebook.  Eggs, ham, and toast.  Great American style breakfast.  He is getting better and better each time he makes it too.  Thanks for all of the breakfast meals you’ve made for me Bandid.  It is much appreciated.

After breakfast we went to the “cemetery” where Fai’s grandfather is buried.  As part of the Songkran festival the people go the cemetery and they clean the plots.  Fai’s grandfather is buried in a large statue like thing that kind of looks like a temple.  Its hard to describe.  The base has tiles and it stands about 9 ft tall at its peak.  Most people are cremated and then there ashes are stored in these things.  We offered water by cleaning the plot.  We lit incense.  We poured a scented perfume over the plot and we hung flowers on it as well.  When we left it looked very nice.

The water that they use is scented like a perfume but they usually don’t wear so it was kind of funny when Fai’s uncle snuck up behind me and dumped a whole bottle of it down my shirt.  The rest of the day I smelled like the perfume.

Next stop is the Central Plaza mall for some lunch.  We had a huge lunch!  We went to Sukiski.  I think this is my favorite place to eat at the mall.  So far we’ve gone to the mall everyday.  Seems the family is in love with the new mall.  I don’t blame them.  Its a great place to go and its very similar to malls in America.  I had steak, chicken, seafood, and 3 sweet lemon iced teas!  They are the best!

After lunch we headed back home.  We took the long way through the city to get home too.  Songkran is starting!  As we drove through the streets  we could see people sitting in the back of trucks with giant water barrels full of water.  People were also lined up on the street with there hoses running.  When the people in the trucks would drive by they would throw water at whomever happened to be near them.  Noone is safe.  You could be on a skooter driving along and you will get a face full of water.  When that person on the scooter drives by the guy with the hose he will shoot them with the water.  Its very crazy.  What was going on now was pretty light.  No major water battles broke out yet and only a few people were playing with the water.  It felt like it was 5pm, but its only 12pm or so.  Still pretty early.  Today also marked the absolute hottest day since I’ve been here.  It was very sunny and 100 degrees, but it felt like 107 degrees according to Accuweather app.  This heat sucks the energy right out of you.  Plus we got up super early!

So time for a little nap.  And then the fun really begins!

After our little nap we went down to the street.  It was time to honor our grandmother and other leaders of our family.  So, we go down to the house next store and our friends and family are partying.  They have the music playing really loud.  The babies are in the pool.  They have a water hose and buckets of water.  They are shooting cars with the hose and throwing water with the buckets as people drive by.  This was so much fun.  I got in on the action too.  They got me good with the hose and we were dancing in the street.  Davey and Maestro will be happy to hear that we have succeeded in making “The Maestro” an internationally famous dance.  So we’re dancing under the water hose and one of the guys there was showing me some moves and I hear fai yell “Maestro” so that’s what we did!  We did the maestro in the street while getting sprayed with water.  This was hilarious.  Fai took video so we will be able to share this comical event with everyone when we get back.

At this point, I’m completely soaked from head to toe.  But now its time to honor our elders. So this is what we do.  Fai’s grandmother, aunt, parents, and relatives are sitting in a line and we go one by one and pour scented water into there hands.  Fai’s grandmother blessed me and wished that our dreams come true.  We poured water into mom and dads hands, then the aunts and uncles.  It was a fun time.

So, now its getting pretty late and its starting to get dark out.  We load into one of the pick up trucks and went to a little festival.  Now its in full swing. Our family brought some water in a pool with some beer.  This is also interesting that we can drink on the street here.  I’m not sure if that is just for this festival or if they can do that all of the time.  I’ll have to find out.  So, we are driving along and they are throwing water at trucks that are next to us that are also throwing water at us.  This was a pretty exciting to witness.

We arrived at the festival and we played a game with large dart like things where you try to launch the dart as high as you can and you try make it sick into the side of this giant sandhill.  I threw about 6 or 7 darts and I only landed one that actually stuck pretty good.  This was fun.

Next we bought some flowers, candles, scented water, and incense.  We went to small shrine thing where were lit the candles, burned the incense, offered the flowers and then to top it off we went up a small flight of steps (3 steps) and then poured the scented water down the pipe to offer to the Buddha.  Pretty neat stuff.

We saw a thai band play using all thai instruments.

We saw some guys making Thai cookies, these are similar to fortune cookies, instead of small these things are huge and you just break a piece off and eat it.  Its very yummy.

Fai got us some drinks too.  These are things I had never had before. One was blue, another red, and the other looked like  iced tea but all of them are made from a fruit or plants or something.  Very delicious.  We drank like 4 of them they were so good.

Finally, we head home. Fai is exhausted and is already asleep while I am typing this.  She didn’t take a nap like I did earlier.  It’s almost midnight on Saturday 4/13/2013.  We’ve already been here a week and the time is flying by.  We have completely adjusted to the time difference now.  It takes a few days to get it down.

I hope all is well there!  Feel free to leave comments on Facebook or on this blog.


Robbiegod and the cute baby

We think this baby is definitely in the top 10 cutest babies in the world.  ALL of the babies in this family are ultra-cute.

This is on april 13, 2013 during our breakfast. The first time the baby let me hold her since we’ve been here.  I’m growing on her I guess.




Family Day!

Today a lot of people came over our house this morning for some breakfast.  Fai’s mom and dad, brother, sister in law, aunt, cousins, the little kids, everyone came over to hang out with us.  Bandid, my brother in law, has made me a delicious breakfast every morning.  This morning I had 2 eggs with beef and sweet sausage with black pepper.  I also had 2 pieces of toast.  This was my kind of breakfast.  Its interesting how they prepare this stuff too.  Firstly, the kitchen is outside. This way the house never smells of food.  Secondly, Bandid uses a metal pan and he puts that on the oven and he cooks everything together in the pan until its all cooked.  The eggs here are brown too, but they taste the same as our white eggs at home.

After breakfast the whole gang went to a farm where we went fishing!  I think the farm is owned by Fai’s aunt.  They had several areas where there were large bodies of water.  We  went to a particular one and we started off by throwing fish food into the water.  The fish all came up to the top of the water and you could see there were thousands of fish in the pond.  Videos to follow later.

Then they brought out the fishing rods and Fai and I took turns throwing the line into the water not able to catch anything really. haha.  So my luck in catching fish in Thailand is the same as in the USA.  They tell me the fish in the water were catfish.  After some fishing fun we sat in the shade to try to escape the heat.  Not possible here to do that…It’s hot no matter where you sit.  You can break a sweat just by sitting down under a tree.  We didn’t last long in the heat.  I think they showed mercy on me because we all left the fish garden and guess where we went?  We went to Central Plaza mall for some lunch.  Today we went to MK Kitchen.  We had gone to this place in 2011 on our last trip, but at the other mall.  This time we went to MK at the new mall since its closer and newer.  At this place, you boil everything you eat.  They set up a pot of boiling water in the center of the table and then bring out whatever items you want to eat.  The selection ranges from vegetables to meat to sausages to spring rolls to tofu.  This is definitely an interesting way to eat different meats because the meats don’t dry out and you can’t burn anything.  You should try it. Boil some water, drop some stuff in the boiling water and then cover it and let it cook for about 10 minutes.  Done!

Another interesting thing here that they have is they put lemon juice in a salt shaker for easy sprinkling onto your food.  It works great.

Naturally for my drink I had a ordered a sweet lemon iced tea, but I also got to try a Watermelon Smoothie.  This was very good too.  It was cool and sweet and tasted like sweet watermelon.  If you’ve had the watermelon juice from Arizona Iced Tea maker then you’ll know that watermelon juice isn’t always that great.  Fai had a kiwi smoothie which also very good.

Tomorrow the Thai New Year begins and lasts all weekend.  This should make for a very exciting next couple of days.

Right now we are sitting in the living room with Bandid, Bandid’s wife, Mom, Fai and me watching TV.  We cranked on the AC to cool down and relax for a minute.


Last nights dinner

LAst night we ended up eating quite a good amount of food.  We started by eating some homemade soup and some white rice.  We are eating a lot of white rice here.  Pretty much every meal that we eat at home there is some white rice.  Good thing we happen to like white rice a lot.  Fai took one of the scooters and grabbed me a hamburger from the local 7-11.  Yep they have 7-11 here.  The burger is slightly different here though. It’s a roll with some meat, some tomato, and some cucumber. No stupid pickles!!! This is a trend I think we need to adopt in the USA since cucumbers are so much more delicious then stupid pickles. They also didn’t have any ketchup or mustard.  Just some sweet sauce.  All in all the burger was pretty good.

We were waiting for fai’s friend to come pick us up to get some food at Central Plaza.  This by far the best place we can go to get out of the heat and also get some food.  Just like any mall there are tons of different restaurants so we are getting a great variety of choices there.  Plus the place had just opened about 7 days ago, so everything is brand new.  The whole town is pretty excited about having such a grand mall since prior to its existence you would have to go into the city to get to a mall which is a bit further away.  This mall is about 15 minutes from our house making it very convenient.

Fai’s friend Modji Modji picked us up and we went to the mall. I’m sure some of you remember the steakhouse called Sizzler.  Sizzler is pretty popular here.  We’ve now seen a sizzler in Bangkok and also in the new mall in Ubon Ratchitani.  So, Fai had never eaten there before and I haven’t had a sizzler steak in ages, so we opted for some Sizzler!  I got a big steak, of course.  I had Sweet Lemon Iced Tea to drink which is by far one of my favorite beverages I’ve tried since I have been.  It’s nothing fancy.  In fact, I’m certain I can get it in the USA at some place.  However, it does taste slightly different then what we have at home.  Its Nestea Sweet LEmon Tea, but the flavor is not the same as Nestea Lemon Iced Tea that we have at home.  I think this probably has more sugar.  The steak was no different then any other steak I have had.  Very good steak.

So one thing they do that is different at Sizzler is they give you free salad with your meal except they let you go up to a salad bar and make your own salad.  They didn’t have plain lettuce.  All of the lettuces were already coated with some kind of dressing.  The salad bar was pretty good.  I had ceasar salad, bacon and tomato salad, cole slaw (I got that for fai), and some fruit.

After the salad we ate our steaks and then Fai was craving that spicy salad she loves so much that she can only get here in Thailand.  So we went upstairs and went to another restaurant.  They ordered 3 different ultra-spicy salads and some killer spicy muchroom soup.  I tried the soup.  The soup won.  It really was way too spicy for me.  It burned my mouth and my chest for a good 10 minutes and I only had a little taste.  Spicy Mushroom Soup 1, Robbiegod 0.

We took some picture playing around at the table.  I did not try the other salads because I had tried them the day before.  They are pretty hot too.  Its nothing I can mess with.

We took a walk around the mall noting that they have decorated the place with giant balloon shaped creatures on the floor and a giant balloon shaped octopus suspended from the ceiling.  Its not just one balloon, but hundreds of balloons that are put together to look like an octopus.  Pretty neat stuff.

Photos to follow later….

Dinner last night with the family

What did I have for dinner last night? I had pizza, spaghetti, garlic bread with melted cheese in the middle. Yep, there is a pizza place not far from here. They felt it would be best for me to eat Italian food because what dad made was real spicy and I probably wouldn’t be able to handle it. Kudos go to our hosts for thinking of me. It is much appreciated. Also fai’s brother Bandid did make some yummy chicken wings. Nice job brother!

Just as we sat down to eat it started to rain, so we were going to sit outside. They have a nice area to eat under some shelter so we had to quickly move the table. It rained pretty hard for about 20mins. Cooled everything off. Which we needed because its like really hot here!

Fai, her mom, her dad, her brother and his wife, and her grandmother they made some interesting items.

They make chicken like you’ve never seen before. The chicken kinda looks like a paste before they cook it. I’m not sure if they steam it or boil it, but they stuff the chicken paste into a green leaf and wrap it tight. They cook it in that pouch. When its done they just remove the leafy wrapper and put the contents in a bowl. We had some white rice and u serve this with the rice. I did try it and it was pretty good. Lots of flavor, but maybe too spicy to eat alot. So I only just tried it.

After dinner we cleaned up and sat around outside talking to our family.

As the night went on more people arrived. Many of the people I had met on our last trip at the wedding. The kids are all growing so fast. The ones that were babies last time are now 2 yr olds. The bride from the wedding last trip is now 7 months pregnant. Time flies by.

We all hung out for awhile. Fai talking to them about different stuff. They wondered why I wore shoes and socks all of the time. Well, fai and I tried to get me some sandals but the largest size here is a size 10. That doesn’t come close to fitting my feet. I couldn’t get get my feet into the flip flop part.

Its cool though, I like wearing my shoes. I know the tops of my feet burn easy so keeping them covered I’d probably a good option.

More to come.

Its 434 am on Thursday April 11. I had fallen asleep early and then woke up early.

We just had a huge lunch

Went to a shopping center and we had Korean food. Funny, we come all the way to Thailand and then we eat Korean and Japanese food. That changes tonight. Mom and dad are making dinner tonight.

After the Korean food, I got my dork on and went to the electronics store. I talked with vendors about Nokia phones and they tried to sell me everything from the 620 to the 920. Great looking phones. What was interesting is I showed them my Nokia 822 which you can only get in the USA because its a Verizon phone. They got a kick out of seeing this phone for the first time.

Ok enough tech talk. Now back to the food!

I had steak cubes, salad, soup at the Korean restaurant. Fai had some other dish with rice, fish, some ground meat nuxed in a little bowl. Fai’s friend was with us too. She had a soup dish that cane with a raw egg. She poured the raw egg into the soup and the heat from the soup cooked the egg. Looked pretty good. These Thai ladies wanted something spicey so we walked around a bit and went to another restaurant. They got some authentic spicy salad. A neat mixture of vegetables, spice, soft crab. Fai says you can’t get this in America. Its just not the same. They had 3 salads.

I had fried chicken wings with garlic since the spice from the salad is too intense for me. I did try it and it did taste good, but it was too hot.

I also had a new drink. I don’t remember what the fruit was, but it was amazing. It looked like a dark red merlot wine, but tasted lighter and sweeter.

See the photos!