We are in Bangkok

After a very nice and warm family goodbye with our Thai family and friends, we have landed in Bangkok. Scratch the shortest flight of our journey home off of our list.

@ bandid don’t worry about Fai, I will take care of her and we will try to return as soon as we can.

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Off to the airport shortly

Fai and I are heading to the airport in an hour to meet our friends and say our goodbyes. Our flight leaves around 525pm Thai time.

Thank you my loving Thai family for all of your hospitality, warmth, generosity, and love. Thank you for accepting me into your family with such open arms.

Fai and I will miss you and we will try to return to Thailand soon.

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Karaoke party for us and a night at ubar








Fais family through us a bon voyage party at a karaoke bar. We had our own private room and lots and lots of food!

Fais uncle and sister in law were extremely helpful translating Thai to English. I had a long talk with the grandmother who told me that she loved me a lot and wants me to come back to Thailand as soon as we can. She also told me to love Fai a lot and I assured her that Fai is my heart and I will love her forever.

The party was so much fun thank you my Thailand family!

After the karaoke party we went to ubar with our friends!

Here are some photos from last night.

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Ubon ratchitani temple

Fai, mom, and me went to the local temple and she bought us some thing to hang in our cars. It’s a similar thing like the charm I have around my neck. They believe that if you wear it around your neck or keep it near that it will protect you.

We will hang it in our cars from the rear view mirror. Fai and I each got one.

We were by a large gold statue and we lit some candles and burned some incense. It was pretty cool doing the local traditions here.

We did another thing where they have a bunch of sticks about the size of a pencil. Each stick has a number on it. What you do is you hold the container and shake it and u try to make one of the sticks fall out. You look at the number and you a piece of paper from the a bookcase. The paper has like a fortune written on it.  Fais mom said that my fortune was really and that I will get everything my heart desires.

I have Fai, I already have everything I need.

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the temple for foreigners

We made it to the temple and we were able to speak to a woman who is from Germany. She spoke really good English so I had a short conversation with her.  She told us that in the morning, bright and early they have 2 morning talks, one in Thai and one in English in different parts of the grounds.

She explained to us that the monks would be able to speak with us only early in the morning.we have some photos of the temple, ill post when we get home.

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I fed an elephant

Yesterday morning we were driving to a temple that has a lot of foreigners that have come to Thailand to become a monk.

On the way we are driving down the street and as we came around the corner we finally saw an elephant! We bought some food from the guy and I fed the elephant. I took the food, kind of like a hard vegetable, I don’t remember what it was. I put one piece in my hand and the elephant would grab it out of my hand with its trunk.  The trainer showed me a better way to feed the elephant, holding the stick at the top so it hangs down then the elephant can grab it real easy out of hand easily.

So that was pretty cool to feed an elephant. Fai took video of me doing that!

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After dinner visit with our aunt

After dinner Fai and I went to the shopping center to get some books for Fai. She got a couple books and I got some blank dvds. Hello kitty blank dvds. You got to take what you can get sometimes.

Then we headed over to Fais aunts house and Fais aunt gave me a charm for my necklace and a stack of bahts too. This is no ordinary charm either inside the charm is a figure and he is a protecter. Fai has one similar to this hanging in her car and you keep near you to protect you. The charm is also gold. It’s beautiful and I love it.

Thank you again to my aunt in law for the wonderful gift.

Fai says that all of these gifts are symbols that the family has accepted me into the family.

I’m happy and proud to be a part of this group.

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