Ubon ratchitani temple

Fai, mom, and me went to the local temple and she bought us some thing to hang in our cars. It’s a similar thing like the charm I have around my neck. They believe that if you wear it around your neck or keep it near that it will protect you.

We will hang it in our cars from the rear view mirror. Fai and I each got one.

We were by a large gold statue and we lit some candles and burned some incense. It was pretty cool doing the local traditions here.

We did another thing where they have a bunch of sticks about the size of a pencil. Each stick has a number on it. What you do is you hold the container and shake it and u try to make one of the sticks fall out. You look at the number and you a piece of paper from the a bookcase. The paper has like a fortune written on it.  Fais mom said that my fortune was really and that I will get everything my heart desires.

I have Fai, I already have everything I need.

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the temple for foreigners

We made it to the temple and we were able to speak to a woman who is from Germany. She spoke really good English so I had a short conversation with her.  She told us that in the morning, bright and early they have 2 morning talks, one in Thai and one in English in different parts of the grounds.

She explained to us that the monks would be able to speak with us only early in the morning.we have some photos of the temple, ill post when we get home.

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Dinner with Fai’s family and a surprise

After all of the running around and site seeing today we had dinner Fais mom, dad, brother, brothers wife, and one of Fais cousin.

At dinner Fais mom, grandmother, and Fai surprised me with a gold necklace.  It’s thick and beautiful. I never have to take it off. It is both an honor and a privilege to be accepted into such a wonderful and generous family. I love you all, my Thai family. You have made my trip here to Thailand one that I will never forget. Fai and I will miss all of you and we will try to come back next year.

Thank you all again for such warm hospitality.

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Early today taking mom to work and some sights



















Early am we took Fais mom to work. She is a teacher at a high school. Then we went to copy some documents so Fai can get her Thai license renewed. While she was doing that I was clowning around in the car taking pictures. Here they are from this morning. The rest of the day we spent at the mva.

Fai passed the drivers test!

The picture with all of the bikes is outside of the mva, I don’t know what they call it here.

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Uncle and brother talk

Fai went out to try and get her license updated. While she was gone Fai’s uncle and brother brought me downstairs. We were standing in the living room looking at our wedding picture that is up on the wall. They told me that while Fai was gone they were worried about her but then when they saw that picture it took their worry away and everyone was happy.  They know that Fai has a new family including all of you. They know they don’t need to worry about fai while she is away because she has a new family. That was a pretty cool moment to have. I’m glad that they shared that with me.

Without a doubt, marrying Fai has changed both of our lives for the better.

When we get back home we will show you some photos we were able to find of Fai when she was a little girl. Cute stuff.

I’m seem to having problems with YouTube so maybe posting videos might be a problem.

I’m going to try to sleep some more now…until next time!

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Wow what a night part 2





I’ve slept for a few hours now and my body still doesn’t know time it is. I’m thinking it will take a couple days to make this transition.

So after this ceremony with the threads, which Fai and I are still wearing all of them. We have to wear them all for 1 night and then we can remove all but 1, we have to wear the one for 3 days. It’s there tradition.

One of Fai’s uncles, Fai’s brothers wife, some of her friends and a couple cousins speak English. And as luck would have it, there was a girl who from our country who came to the party too, she is from Georgia. She is a teacher at the school where Fai’s uncle works. Lots of teachers in Fai’s family.

As they came around some were able to give the warm wishes in English. So far as long as I have someone near me who speaks English we can communicate together.

It’s hot here too. It’s like 90 degrees during the day and about 75-80 degrees at night. The house is comfortable temperature inside.

So many warm gestures throughout the night. They had tons of Thai food and her uncle went and got me some spaghetti and pizza. That was a treat.

After we received everyone’s threads they had us go up on stage. They did a brief q and a to us. It was pretty cool. They asked me how did you meet Fai? Why do you love Fai? What do you think of Fai’s family? And I had throughout the night been giving things the thumbs up. I gave Fai’s family 2 thumbs up for sure. A wonderful bunch of people. They asked Fai why does she love me and she said becuase I am the best.

After that Fai and I sang our song together for her family, we were a little rusty but got through it ok lol. We haven’t sang the song for awhile.

Then Fai sang a song to me and her uncle translated for me. The song’s meaning was about you are the best.

In the distance right now I can hear the rooster crowing.

Fai’s aunt has a big business here so last night we were able to try the nuts her company makes.

Pretty cool stuff.

Throughout the night everyone told me that i look much younger and smaller in person then from the photos.

Speaking of photos, in Fai’s parents house, they had our wedding photo blown up and framed in a fancy frame.

During the party they had this photo on display in front of the stage.

Amazing stuff.

The photos here are of the food from the party, only some of it. Throughout the night they kept bringing more and more.

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Wow what a night!



Fai’s family planned an amazing party for us to celebrate our arrival and a pre.wedding party.

It was amazing. They had a live band, Thai dancers, karaoke, and the family welcomed me into there family. How this works is Fai and I are seated facing each other and a relative will come up to us with a piece of thread. They give us warm wishes of happiness and wish us a lifetime of love. Next is I would support Fais arm while they tie the thread around her wrist. They would do the same thing for me while Fai supports my arm. Occassionally some people would tie money into the thread as a gift.

I’m exhausted right now falling asleep as I write this, so ill write more tommorrow.

It’s Monday 10.22 pm. Go ravens!

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In uban ratchintani.



So we arrived at the airport and took a short flight from Bangkok to uban ratchthini. We were greated by a lot of people in Fais family. After some hugs and tears of joy we hopped in the car and went to a big outdoor market. We got to see where Fais aunt sells stuff. Also got to see the river which has some extra water.

We made it to Fai’s house and there is going to be a big party tonight for us at Fai’s house. They have setup a stage with lights and everything. I wonder what they have in store for us.

We have less access to internet but I have a nice spot to write to you from…

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